And all it took, a KISS.

Friday, July 22, 2011
It was just 'Him and Her'. Alone.
On a Saturday night. 

Darkness was the only one around.
Silence was all they spoke.
Only stares they exchanged.
Alongside a slow music.

Love was brewing within.
An inner soul saying, 'Yes'.
Confusion was playing its role.
Strong winds & heavy showers then joined in.

The moment just got perfect.
'Romantic' was the word.
A loud thunder is all it took,
for her to be in his arms. 

and then, 
it all started with a KISS. 


  1. Hardik Rajgor said...:

    Brilliant write up Miss, I really like the flow. Keep up! :)

  1. Miss K said...:

    Thank you Hardik. :)

  1. Nirati said...:

    Aww, liked this post a lot!!
    Now following :)

  1. Miss K said...:

    Thank you so much. :)