Just another blissful fairy tale in Dreamland

Monday, August 1, 2011
Wearing a wonderful off shoulder gown,as a bridesmaid, she entered. She wore a mask of shyness.She sat with
the other bridesmaid on the table opposite to that of the grooms. She looked extremely beautiful. Just like a
princess from a fairy tale. The toast was raised in a few minutes and as she was done sipping the wine from
her glass, she raised her eyelids just to take notice of a tall, handsome guy.

At that very moment, she felt it was her prince charming. As he looked at her, she got all nervous
spilling the wine on her dress. She hurriedly rushed to the washroom to get it cleaned. She thought, 'What a
fool I made of myself! I wonder what he must of me.' Quite embarassed, she walked through
the hall with her head down.

As she began to sit down, someone tapped her. She quickly turned to see who it was. It was HIM. He asked, 'Do you mind dancing?' She wanted to yell, 'Yes, ofcourse' but ended up saying, ' Um,.. I .. don't ..' He said, 'You'll be fine, I am there'. She was right away taken by that statement.

In the background, 'Nothing's gonna change my love for you' played. He caught her by the waist and she
placed her hand on his shoulder.

In no time, she was in his arms and her eyes closed. Music was halted and everyone were applauding. She opened her eyes and she almost, pushed him away. He asked, ' Err, hey. Are you alright?' She hesitantly replied, 'yeah, I hope so. I gotta go'. She ran away to her makeup room. Still wondering what happened. Though nothing much happened.

There was a knock on the door. It was HIM again. She asked nervously, 'Um, yes?' 'Can I come in for a sec?' he asked. There was silence in the room. She was leaning on the wall and he was seated on the chair. Not knowing what to speak, he got up and spoke his heart out.

'I love you'. There was a moment of silence again. He then said, 'I think I should leave. I'm sorry' and started to walk away. She caught him by his hand and said, 'I love you too'.

He neared her. Stared for a sec and with their eyes closed, they were almost about to kiss..
that it was her alarm that rang and her dream had ended.

A smile she wore all throughout the day. :)


  1. Miss K said...:

    Thanks Raadhii. <3

  1. DEE.. said...:

    Yeah!! A smile she wore all throughout the day. :)

  1. Miss K said...:

    @Dee: :) Yep.
    @BlahBlaholic: Thaanks. <3 :)